Tutorial Tuesday: Christmas Pudding

Hey everyone! Today's Tutorial Tuesday happens to be on a Wednesday, as you may notice. I was working on a super exciting project last night (which you shall see in January) and completely forgot to write the post, I'm sorry! Nevertheless, you shall still get a tutorial, and this weeks tutorial is for these Christmas puddings. Many of you requested that I start doing Christmas tutorials, and now it's finally December I don't feel like I'm betraying my scrooge-ness too much by doing so. I have quite a few Christmas tutorials for you this year, so I might start posting more than one a week, would that be okay? Anyway, the rest of the post, including the steps, will be after the jump.

I created today's tutorial exclusively for Barry M, and it uses all Barry M colours. I started with a base coat of Barry M - Mocha, from the recent Classic Matte collection. I then used a Barry M - White Nail Art Pen, and the holly is done with Barry M - Emerald Green, and Barry M - Red Glitter. Then I finished off with a layer of Barry M - All in 1 Nail Paint

Step 1: Start off with a base coat of Barry M - Mocha
Step 2: Using a Barry M - White Nail Art Pen draw the outline for the pudding
Step 3: Fill in the nails using the nail art pen, alternatively you can use Barry M - Matt White and a brush/toothpick to fill in the space.
Step 4: Using a dotting tool or a cut down toothpick, add the holly berries using Barry M - Red Glitter
Step 5: Using a small brush or toothpick, draw the holly leaves. Start at the berries and draw one side first, then draw the other side and the middle should fill in automatically.
Step 6: Finish off with a topcoat to seal in your design and you're done!

What do you think? Let me know in the comments!

P.S. Dont forget to enter my giveaway to win all 3 of the nail wraps I designed for Scratch!