Lisää lakkoja, lakkoja, lakkoja...

Näitä uusia lakkoja ja muita kynsijuttuja onkin nyt lähiaikoina kertynyt aika runsaasti, hehe :p Kilometripostaus siis tiedossa :D Tilailin vähän lisää juttuja eBaystä ja parista nettikaupasta ja iloiseksi yllätyksekseni Ihanat kynnet verkkokaupalta myös lähetettiin minulle kiva paketti tuotteita testattavaksi :) Sain taas yhden lakan pois wish listiltä, kiitos! Kyseessä oli siis kaunis hempeä vaaleansininen China Glaze Kinetic Candy Electropop kokoelmasta. Lakan lisäksi paketissa oli vielä kaksi kappaletta Color Clubin Art Club nail art lakkoja, sydänkynsitarra-arkki ja turkooseja ja tumman liiloja kukkakynsitatuointeja (water decals) <3 Minulla on nyt keväällä tullut kauhea innostus hankkia uusia nail art lakkoja ja tilasinkin niitä lisää eri merkeiltä testiin. Nail art lakoista lisää alempana postauksessa.
China Glaze Kinetic Candy, Art Club Aqua ja Silver Glitter

Tein myös ensimmäistä kertaa tilauksen Cult Nails verkkokaupalle siellä olleen alennuskamppanjan innoittamana. Olen jo kauan harkinnut heidän pikakuivattavansa kokeilemista ja kun he julkistivat koodin, jolla sai muistaakseni tilata kolme lakkaa puoleenhintaan, niin pakkohan se oli käyttää tilaisuus hyödyksi :p Tilasin Wicked Fastin lisäksi myös yhden kauniin lakan, josta olin aikaisemmin swatcheja ihaillut. Se ei ollut kyllä ykkösvaihtoehtoehtoni Cult Nailsin lakoista, mutta harmikseni siinä vaiheessa kun tajusin alennuksen, niin monet lakat olivat jo loppuneeet varastosta.
Cult Nails lakat oli pakattu kauniisti ruskeaan paperiin ja kuoren pehmusteena oli pumpulipalloja, jotka voisi siis käyttää hyödyksi lakkojen poistossa. Mahtava luontoa säästävä idea ja muistan lukeneeni, että idea oli tullut Marian (Cult Nailsin perustajan) pieneltä tyttäreltä :)
Cult Nails Captivated, Cult Nails Wicked Fast Top Coat

Head2Toelta tilaamani paketti saapui myös. Tällä kertaa olin poiminut ostoskoriin tälläistä:
Seche Vite, Color Club Diamond Drops, China Glaze Riveting, Dance Baby, Full Spectrum ja Optical Illusion
Tilasin kokeiluun ibd Brush-On Gel Resin kynsiliimaa. Tällä pitäisi olla vähän helpompi paikkailla pieniä kolhuja ilman, että liimaa valuu kynsinauhoille ym. Liima on erityisesti tarkoittettu käytettäväksi nail wrappien kanssa. Toivotaan että toimii :) Liima maksaa nettikaupassa 2.35$, eli ei kovin paljoa. Head2Toella myydään myös kivoja pieniä lasiviiloja ja hankin yhden (taas) laukkuun mukaan kuljetettavaksi. Onnistun aina hukkaamaan noita johonkin, en tajua... Samalla ajattelin koittaa myös millaisia buffereita kaupalla on tarjolla. Ei tuo nyt mikään kovin laadukas ole, mutta se olikin niitä valikoiman halvimpia, 1.50$. Kyllä se nyt kelpaa, mutta vaikuttaa kuluvan nopeasti.
Ihania glittereitä :) Lastuinen Color Club Diamond Drops Blossoming kokoelmasta oli pakko hankkia ja China Glazen upeasta Prismatic kokoelmasta halusin ainakin nämä kaksi erikoista glitterlakkaa omakseni. On tuossa kokoelmassa vielä paljon muitakin ihanuuksia, mutta hillitsin nyt itseäni edes tämän verran. Mutta siis duochrome glittereitä! Täydellisyyttä :p

Ebaysta tilailin niitä nail art lakkoja Mirssiinan vinkkaamalta myyjältä, beautyzone2007:ltä. Kuulemma on useamman kerran tuolta tilannut ja hyviä kokemuksia on ollut. Ajattelin vähän testailla eri merkkien laatua ja tilasin lakkoja Color Clubilta, LeChatilta ja Orlyltä. Tosin noissa "LeChatin" lakoissa lukee kyllä mielestäni Cm ja Color Madrid, eikä missään kohtaan LeChat, joten en tiedä minkä merkkisiä nuo oikeastaan ovat.
Art Club Black Hologram ja You're Golden, LeChat Cm Hot Green ja Dark Silver, Orly Instat Artist Pink Pastel

Olen tyytyväinen kaikkien lakkojen laatuun. Eniten tykkään ehkä tuosta Orlystä. Siinä on jotenkin "tukevin" sivellin, jolla saa helposti tehtyä ohutta ja tasaista viivaa ja tykkään myös siitä että väri on vesiliukoista. Ovat nuo Art Club ja Cm -lakatkin laadukkaita ja hyvä sivellin on niissäkin. Vähän jopa yllätyin noista Cm -lakoista, koska olin varautunut niiden erittäin halvan hinnan vuoksi, myös huonompaan laatuun. :) Yksi hassu juttu tosin, nimittäin tuon Hot Green lakan pohjassa lukee Teal Charge, vaikka se selvästikin on se vihreä lakka minkä tilasin eikä mikään teal.. :D 
Swatchasin nopeasti kaikista viirut valkoisen lakan päälle. Tässä swatchissa on noiden eBaystä ostamieni lakkojen lisäksi lisäksi Art Club Aqua, Silver glitter ja Turqueis. Noissa glittereissä on jostain syystä paljon paksumpi ja kömpelömpi sivellin, kuin muissa Art Clubeissa ja glitteriäkin tulee aika heikonlaisesti yhdellä vedolla. Vähän pettymyksiä siis olivat :(

Huh, kuka jaksoi lukea tänne asti? :D ...Tälläisissä lakkatunnelmissa vapputunnelmiin siis :) Ainakin tänne Helsinkiin on luvattu hyviä ilmoja, eli  piknikkiä saattaisi olla tiedossa :) Vappukynnet on tehty, mutta kuvat eivät ole vielä valmiit, niin siksi en niistä vielä postausta tehnyt. Yritän saada ne huomenna tänne esille, mutta voi olla että menee keskiviikolle.  Iloista vappua! <3


Feeling Studly

Hello, girlies! I was going to post this mani Friday but with my nails breaking I held off. I managed to fix two of the nails with the teabag method. I really wish I had taken pictures to share but I was so focused and panicked at the time to think of it. I definitely recommend trying this method next time your nail tears. I've never had any of the fixes I've attempted before last this long. Do a search for the instructions and keep the supplies handy! You'll be happy you did.

Onto my Friday mani.

These are 2mm silver nail studs I bought from Born Pretty. I also picked up some black and gold studs that you'll definitely see used later. The Customer Service department was wonderful when I received two gold and a black. They immediately shipped out a package of silver for me and told me to keep the extra gold pack! Use the code EMILYW21 for a 10% discount if you place an order with Born Pretty.

I think I'm becoming obsessed with these things! They look even better in person. 

I was so very, very sad to take these off so I could fix my nails. I didn't even get any really great pictures. I was waiting until Saturday when the weather was supposed to be less cloudy. I'll have to do these again and get better pictures. :)



I just had to get out of what was to be a nice, relaxing bath to do emergency work on a broken nail. I reached up to turn off the water and my hand slipped off the knob. Sadly, my nail caught and broke. I'm thankful that it wasn't a clean break as this gives me a very slight chance of saving it.

I was happy to find that I had some left over nail glue and managed a temporary fix. However, what I'm asking is ... does anyone know how to save my nail? It's a fairly deep break right down the side. I know you can go into some of the local salons and have them fix it up for you but I don't have the transport, the time, or the money for this option. Are there any do-it-yourself options? Any products I can look for locally?


Pretty Camo

Hello, girlies! I tried my hand at stamping again today. I still haven't got it down yet, but I might be getting better. What do you think?

I think of this mani as deconstructed camo or my attempt at 'pretty camo'. While doing this design, I kept in mind the camo that uses various shades of green and tan to create leaves and a wood texture. I think it turned out very nice with this flowery, girlish stamp.

For some reason the middle nail smudged horribly when I stamped the design. Can you push too hard while stamping?

The two polishes used come from the Revlon Colorstay collection which just arrived in my small town. They are Bare Bones and Spanish Moss. I picked them up with a slightly different mani in mind but they looked far too much like camo colors to do anything else with them. :)

I'm still not sure how other bloggers get such perfect and whole stamps, but I'm just happy to see more than half the stamp on my nails this time!


Shine on The Hard Rocks

Yllättäen ensimmäisenä uusista Cesars Shopin vierailun lakoista halusin koittaa essie shine of the times flakie lakkaa. Tässä ensimmäisessä kuvassa näette myös alla olevan kauniin sävyisen essie school of hard rocks lakan, jota tarvitsi kaksi kerrosta. School of hard rocks* on yksi talven Coctail Bling kokoelman lakoista ja hyvin mielenkiintoinen sävy mielestäni. Tämän lakan päällä flakiet näyttäytyivät komeassa väriloistossaan, eniten kultaisina, kuparisina ja vaaleanvihreinä.

Mulle tuli näitä katsoessani ensimmäiseksi mieleen lohikäärmeen suomut ja myös miehekkeeni mielestä nämä kuulemma olivat liskokynnet :p Aivan ihana tuo shine of the times lakka kyllä on ja tuijottelinkin kynsiäni vähän väliä :D

Tässä vähän swatchkiekolle lakkailemiani kokeiluja, vaikkakin kuvissa tämä lakka ei kyllä pääse täysin oikeuksiinsa:
Näissä kuvissä shine of the times vasemmalla Wet n Wild Caribean Frostin päällä (joka on oikeasti tummempi ja vihreämpikuin kuvassa), mustan Wild and Crazy Belly Upin kanssa ja oikealla tumman violetin Orly Out of This World lakan päällä.

Tässä taas kokeilin flakielakkaa punaisten ja oranssien essie size mattersin, olé calienten, orange it's obviousin kanssa. Flakiet näyttäytyvät siis enimmäkseen kultaisina näiden kanssa.
Vasemmalla turkoosi essie turquoise & caicos, keskellä taas kynsillänikin oleva school of hard rocks ja oikealla harmaa cocktail bling lakka shine of the times lakan alla.

*School of hard rocks ja muut essie lakat (paitsi shine of the times) on saatu L'Oréalilta


Twinkling Hot Tamales

First off ... whoa, what is up with the new posting feature?? Was anyone else horribly confused and panicking a bit? I thought I pressed the wrong button or something!!

Right, onto the post. I'm not sure how long I can keep this daily posting up. Maybe another day or so if I'm not too lazy to paint my nails today, so enjoy it while you can! Today, I bring you Twinkle and Hot Tamale both from Pure Ice.

This alternating mani is two coats of Hot Tamale, the darker polish, and two coats of Twinkle, the lighter polish. I'm just noticing now the slightly visible nail line on some of them. They could probably use another coat or three. I guess this means they're more sheer than I thought.

Twinkle showed up fairly dark in most of the pictures I took. I managed to find a handful of true to color. Twinkle is a simply lovely shade of coral pink or maybe a salmon. It contains a slight hint of orange but I'm not sure if that's just the gold shimmer playing tricks on my eyes or not.

Hot Tamale is a darker color that I think nearly overwhelms the delicate Twinkle. The closest I can come to describing Hot Tamale is an off shade of vermilion, sometimes known as cinnabar. I think this shade works best because vermilion is described as being similar to scarlet but with more orange and less red. Hot Tamale certainly has it's fair share of orange and mixes nicely with the gold shimmer the polish contains.

 Twinkle and Hot Tamale close-up shots.
You really get to see the true shades of these colors up-close in direct sunlight.

Hot Tamale shows it's gold shimmer much less than Twinkle. The gold shimmer blends too well with Hot Tamale's metallic finish to really pop. That certainly doesn't mean Hot Tamale doesn't pop all on its own. While pink is my favorite color I don't think I can wear a shade as delicate as Twinkle ... at least not without Hot Tamale to carry it along.

What I didn't know while buying this polish was how closely Hot Tamale resembles Riveting from the China Glaze Hunger Games collection. Riveting has slightly more depth to its color; the metallic finish of Riveting shifts subtly darker than Hot Tamale. However, Riveting leaves Hot Talame in its gold shimmering dust. Riveting has a much, much more present shimmer. The gold flecks are also bigger and brighter; they really shine out of the polish. As you can see from the picture below, Hot Tamale is not an exact match to Riveting but you might be able to make a fairly passable fraken dupe out of it by adding a thicker shimmer.

Will any of you be trying Hot Tamale in place of Riveting? What about Twinkle? Will it work better with your skin tone than it does mine?


Nail art "flowers and spirals"

Prodotti utilizzati:

base french manicure
smalto bianco 
smalto fucsia pupa n°302
colore acrilico Americana bianco e nero
top coat

Nail Art Tutorial: 


Nail art "purple petals"

Prodotti utilizzati:

base french manicure
smalto bianco
colore acrilico Americana viola e bianco
top coat


Nail art "marble no water"

Prodotti utilizzati:

base trasparente
smalto celeste essence n°97
smalto blu calvin klein n°610
smalto celeste pupa n°715
smalto celeste essence n°75
smalto glitterato pupa n°m202
top coat

ispirate al tutorial di Tartofraises:


Nail art "blue squares"

Prodotti utilizzati:

base trasparente
smalto celeste essence n°97
smalto blu essence twins n°07
smalto argento
top coat


Shimmering Mauve

Today I bring you a swatch. Not my usual lately, I know. I'm more of a nail artist to be honest, but I've had this color sitting in one of my polish drawers since Christmas. Looking at it now, I really don't know why I never used it before.

This is Orly brand polish in Shimmering Mauve. Personally, I wouldn't call this mauve. To me, a color has to have at least a hint of purple to qualify as mauve. I would say this is more one of the many rose shades. Rose vale, maybe? 

And yet, no matter the specifics of naming, it is gorgeous! Shimmering Mauve is a polish I mistook for a pearl in the bottle and might contribute to why it sat around unused for so long. Even on my nails it still has a slight pearl finish in certain lights.

It goes on very smoothly. I found it had little to no streaking. It is also very opaque. It was simply habit that had me putting on two coats. This can certainly be a one-coater polish! Every girls dream, right?

Taken in the shade. It looks nearly pearlescent here, doesn't it?

This color reminds me of old fashioned elegance with a new age flair. This is a color that can travel generations. It's a color, without the pearly metallic, that I recently saw my 103-year-old Great Aunt wearing. God rest her soul, she's no longer with us as of last week. This is a color that my mother would love and a color that I am greatly enjoying wearing.

What do you think? Is it a color for you?


Paul Frank

I've had so many Paul Frank iPhone cases I've lost count. Blue, Red, Black, Green, you name it. So I thought it was about time I did a nail design based around one of them, my latest one and my favourite colour: GREEN! I intended to do these quite early in the evening, but my boyfriend called me for over an hour and then my friend called me with troubles, so these were done around 1am, and I am so tired as a result, but I love them! Mainly because of how much I love Paul Frank :D Hope you like them too!

The design for the thumb came from this photo on Facebook, but I changed the body to another picture I found :)


Circus, Circus

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages ... today I present circus nails!!!

Okay, being truthful. I was a bit disappointed with both the circus and these nails.

This is two coats of China Glaze Riveting with a coat of Wet n Wild Party of Five Glitters and though I didn't count after the first three coats ... anywhere between five and ten coats of Fantasy Maker Night Glow, a glow in the dark polish from the creators of Wet n Wild.

This picture is more true to color. The glow in the dark polish is cloudy and somewhere between a cloudy clear and a cloudy yellow/green. You can see that Riveting has lost its bright and fiery gleam with so many coats of glow in the dark polish. I wouldn't have minded so much but Night Glow is very old and has lost most of its glow. I did not know this when I was layering it on. I expected for the lights to go out at the circus and my nails to grab nearly as much attention as the circus acts themselves ... at least from my nieces.

Sadly, this didn't happen. The nails didn't glow at all during the circus!

I only managed to get the glow in the dark pics by quickly holding my nails to the bathroom light, flicking off the lights and snapping the pictures. These pics are also taken through my editing program and the glow brightened so you can actually see it! Very disappointing!! I will have to look into getting more of this polish.

Here is the original, unedited version of the first glow picture. You might see the glow if you highlight it first. The unedited second picture is even worse and not worth posting.

The only thing more horrible than a bad nail design is a polish that's gone bad ... even worse when it's gone bad unnoticed. :(