The End of the Year Tag

Yes, I have yet another tag! I hope my tag obsession isn't too annoying, but when I saw this one I figured it was the perfect way to say goodbye to 2013.
I was watching one of my favorite Youtuber's, Sharlainjapan, (If you don't know who she is, I talk about her channel more here.) and she was doing the End of the Year Tag! Another Youtuber created it, and it has some really good questions, and best of all, there's not a hundred of them! So I figured I'd give it a go.

What was the best thing that happened to you this year?
I would have to say the best things were getting my car (here), and getting hired at my job, both were big dreams of mine, and I am so glad that they happened this year. And of course adopting Xavier, my adorable, crazy, baby ferret. And starting this blog! I love blogging and meeting fellow beauty bloggers, and I really just hope my blog and I can keep growing, and I hope to have it for many years to come.

What was the worst/most challenging thing that happened to you this year?
Losing my baby cat Jojo. While she was actually over eight years old, she was always my little kitten, and I miss her very much. And as I'm writing this I'm tearing up, so let's move on!

Your favorite game, TV show, app, song, etc, of 2013?
My favorite game would have to be... This is so hard to choose!... Tomb Raider. While I just received it from my brother for my birthday on the 25th, I can already tell I'm going to be hooked on it.
My favorite TV show was absolutely Once Upon a Time! I can't wait for it to come back in March! 
For my favorite app, I choose PicPlayPost. I normally never buy apps, but this one was just too cool. I use it to make little video collages on Instagram, and it is so fun and useful.
2013 hasn't been my favorite year for music, hopefully 2014 will be an improvement. But I do like Katy Perry's song Roar, and the music video was cute too.
And because I can't make a post without referencing something nail polish related, I think my favorite polish for 2013 would have to be Zoya Tomoko! (swatches) I know I have talked about this polish in so many posts, but I just love it.  

The three best things you bought this year?
Well, the first is definitely my car. The second is the Revlon by Marchesa Nail Appliques in pattern 24k Brocade I bought at Ulta, I have been looking for them for Months, and I cannot wait to try them and share it on the blog, so watch out for that review soon. Third would have to be the computer I'm writing this on! If it weren't for it I would not have been able to start this blog!

What's your New Years Resolution?
My resolution is to put as much money as I can in the bank in 2014, so that in the near future I could get my own apartment/condo!

Thanks for reading! To check out past tags I've done click here.
- xo Brittany

I tag anyone who wants to do this tag. If you do it leave me a link in the comments!

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