Neon Pink Stripes

It's about time I show some nail art on I Heart Nail Art! So I decided to post what's on my nails in between my nail polish Swatch and Review posts. Plus I need to be doing something productive because I spent all yesterday in a PewDiePie watching marathon on YouTube and I don't want to get lost in it again!
If you don't know what PewDiePie is, he's a really funny guy who makes video game walkthroughs and reaction videos. I am currently watching his The Last of Us series of walkthroughs and I'm addicted.

OK, back to productivity!:

 I used Milani Neon Pink Hottie and Avon Nail Art Delicate White. with a top coat of Sally Hanson Double Duty base and top coat in one.

It came out pretty good. I usually can free hand stripes a bit better but my Brand New unopened nail art polish was just GOO when I opened it. I was so mad! But I tried to make the best of it.

I made the stripes different sizes to make it more interesting, and because I was inspired by a dress I saw in a fashion magazine.

I also chose the stripes to tone down the neon pink, which is really bright.

Thanks for reading!
