C is for Cinderella!

You may recall that about a week ago I posted my Beauty and the Beast nails on my blog. I got such a great response, it was incredible! Honestly all the nice comments made my day.
I decided to go along this Disney Princess theme and continue my ABC challenge as well.

Being that the next letter is C,

C is for Cinderella!

I found this design to be much more challenging than the Beauty and the Beast design. Honestly, faces aren't my strong point, I'm working on it though. 

I used polishes for the base colors and everything else is done in acrylic paint.

My thumb, index and middle finger have Sinful Colors Rainstorm, my ring finger has OPI Fly and my pinky has Sinful Colors Song Of Summer.

You may have noticed (or not) that I have gone back to a white background on my pictures. Even though I've had my light box for a while now, I'm still testing things out. I think I may like the white background better than the black though.

I think that's about it for Cinderella and Prince Charming. 

D is next on the ABC nail art challenge. I'll see what I can come up with.

Thanks for reading!