August Beauty Favorites

A list of my fav products I either bought or started using in August 2013.

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I love reading fellow bloggers Favorite lists, so I figured it was about time I made one too! I picked five products I either purchased, or finally started using, this month. In no particular order.

Covergirl Mint Mojito $6
I bought this polish during my Drugstore Mini Beauty Haul (here.). If you want a more detailed review of it, I've Swatched & Reviewed it here.
I love this polish. It has a beautiful semi-matte, gloss finish, and great coverage. The only grievance I have is with the long drying time. Even with my quick drying top coat I had to wait quite a bit for it to dry fully.
Owl Lipgloss 
I actually bought this lip-gloss a while ago. It came in a set with a pink owl, which I gave to my mother. I am obsessed with owls, so I picked this up without even checking out the gloss, just because of how cute it is. I don't remember how much it cost, but it wasn't much. I finally got around to using it this month. It is a shimmery pink sheer gloss with a yummy coconut scent. It is a great everyday gloss, and perfect for those times where you need to apply gloss without a mirror.
Sunblossom Body Mist by Essence of Beauty
This cost around $5.
Sadly soon this will be going into my August Empties post. I love body spray, most perfume is just too strong for me. I normally don't enjoy floral body mists, I prefer more fruity scents, but this one is really pretty.
It is very light and airy, with a soft flowery scent. I like to mist it on my wrists, collarbone and behind my knees. This company has actually revamped their fragrances and bottles, so I'm curious if this one is still as enjoyable as it is now.

Hydra Recharge Shampoo by Garnier Fructis
Around $4.
Yes, I know, as a Hair Dresser I should be bragging about some expensive professional hair product. But  because I am also a girl on a budget, my blood runs cold having to spend over $20 on a small bottle of shampoo. This is a new line from Garnier Fructis. I just bought it recently, hence why it's so full. It is for dry hair, which mine has been feeling a bit dry and frizzy lately because of the humidity. It has not been long enough to really see any benefits from using this product, but I had to include it in my favorites list because of the scent. I love it! It smells so good. I've never had a shampoo with this great a scent in a long time. The fragrance is very fruity, it is like washing your hair with a mango smoothie. Yummy.

Applelicious Lip Balm by NYC
Around $3 I think.
I wanted an inexpensive lip-gloss that wasn't too shimmery or gooey. This gloss met both criteria and then some. NYC is not the most high-end brand obviously, but they make good drugstore beauty products at very reasonable prices. I always check out the NYC section when I need a product in a pinch. This balm has a shimmery sheer finish. I can't find the shade name, but it is a brownish/gold color, with a nude gloss in the center. I love the adorable little apple shape of the gloss, and the light apple scent. I use this every day, and it looks great with my daily makeup look.

Thanks for reading!

The Impress Challenge will continue tomorrow with day three and four. To catch up click here.


Have you used any of these products? What are your August beauty favorites?

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