Thank You!

'Oh,' you're thinking. 'Her nails look different. Her fingers look fatter... And scabbier... And hairier...'

For anyone that it is unsure, these are definitely NOT my nails. They belong to my lovely boyfriend - you know, the one that made my DIY light box? He's also the one that has put up with inhaling nail varnish fumes every night, and has to listen to me screaming and swearing whenever I smudge my latest design. When I asked him if he'd donate his nails for my Thank You message, he agreed straight away, which just goes to show what a good sport he is! I like to do things a bit differently, so I'm glad that I'm able to express my appreciation via unusual means. I mean, how often do you see a 'hairy-arsed builder' (his words, not mine!) wearing shimmery blue nail polish?!

ANYWAY, I want to express my thanks to all of my lovely followers! Since starting three and a half months ago, Little Tip Off has gained almost 800 followers. Fittingly, I've just passed the 5000 views mark on this blog, which is an added bonus. I am so grateful to everyone that takes an interest in my nail art, whether it be 'liking' my Facebook page, subscribing to my Twitter feed, reading my Tumblr blog, or following my Instagram. I also want to say thank you to everyone that reads this main blog, including my lovely Bloglovin' followers, and of course those who follow me via GFC (although I must point out, it is coming to an end VERY soon, so make sure you refollow me via another platform!) 

I am especially appreciative of those who've taken the time to comment on my designs and ask questions - you know who you are! Of course, within the blogging stratosphere, Little Tip Off is still a tiny fish in a great big pond, but the feedback I've received has driven me to keep on going. I can safely say that I'll be creating new designs and making tutorials for a VERY long time :)

I've been playing with the idea of launching a competition, but I'm not 100% sure on how this will work. I'd like it to be open to anyone and everyone, so that both beginners and pros can get involved. I also want to make it international, as I know a lot of competitions are limited to certain continents, and people always end up being left out! Anyway, I'm going to keep on toying with the concept, and hopefully come up with something soon. If you've got any ideas, then please get in touch and let me know :) It goes without saying that there will be fabulous prize involved too...

Thank you again for supporting Little Tip Off! I am extremely grateful (and so is my boyfriend...)
P.s. For anyone that is interested, Mr. Little Tip Off is wearing Models Own 'Indian Ocean' on top of Essie 'Sweet Talker', and the letters were painted using my Models Own black nail art pen :)