Tutorial Tuesday: Bows

Hey everyone! It's 1am here in the UK, and I just got in to bed and turned out the light, only to remember that I'd completely forgotten to do a tutorial tuesday! So the light is back on and I'm going to be super quick in writing this so I can go to sleep, second time around. This week's tutorial is for these glitter bow nails, which you might remember from here. This time I used a base of the gorgeous Shimmer Polish - Kim*, which you can see swatches of below. I'm going to include the rest of the post after the jump otherwise it might be too long!

Here I used 3 thin coats of Shimmer Polish - Kim, with 2 coats of Seche Vite topcoat.

And now for the tutorial:

Step 1: Paint your nails with a glitter base coat
Step 2: Using a brush, toothpick or dotting tool, paint the shape of a bow in a corresponding crème colour. (For instance, because the glitter is blue, the bow is blue too)
Step 3: Using a dotting tool, or a cut down toothpick, paint white dots on the bow shape
Step 4: Using a Black Barry M nail art pen, outline the bow shape. Start with the centre circle and then do the edges of the bow itself.
Step 5: Using the nail art pen again, draw the creases of the bow coming out from the centre
Step 6: Finish off with a topcoat to seal in your design and you’re done!

What do you think? Let me know in the comments!