A Mani for Zara Manchester's Launch Party: Leopard Print Curtains

Hi guys. Tonight I'm going to the relaunch party of Zara in Manchester, so I really wanted to create a striking, sparkly design that's easy enough to replicate on my Cinderella hand. I'm a bit of a sucker for coordination as well, so I wanted my mani to match my new bag. If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter, you probably know that I turned 24 on the 3rd November, and I received the most beautiful handbag from my long-suffering boyfriend. I'll show you it at the end of this post! Anyway, I took inspiration from the wonderful One Nail To Rule Them All and created my own version of her Rose Curtain manicure, swapping the florals for leopard print. Oooh, I should probably also mention that Mum and Dad got me a camera for my birthday too - it's the Panasonic Lumix DMC-XS1 and it's bloody marvellous. Hopefully you will be able to tell the difference between the following photos and my previous iPhone pictures!

The equipment:

No. 7 'Beanie'
No. 7 'Gold Glitter'
Models Own 'Bare Beauty'
Barry M black nail art pen
Essie 'Good To Go'
Essie 'Matte About You'

I used 'Beanie' as a base, and applied two coats to each nail. It's pretty much identical to Sinful Colors 'Mushroom', but I prefer the No. 7 version as it reaches opacity much more quickly. Once dry, I topped my index finger and ring finger nails with a gold glitter top coat. I'd never tried No. 7 glitters before receiving a few for my birthday (I should probably stop mentioning my birthday), but I'm really impressed and won't hesitate to repurchase. They're the perfect mixture of large and tiny glitter pieces, and they apply extremely smoothly without the need for any placement.
On my other nails, I used my new Barry M nail art pen (yep, birthday again!) I've only used Models Own and Rio nail art pens in the past, so I was very excited to try Barry M's offering. Though you can't achieve the tiny details that are possible with Models Own pens, the application is very easy and the finish is really good. I was expecting to have to use striping tape, but the chunkiness of the bottle meant I felt confident enough to just freehand. 
In the gaps that my 'curtains' left, I dotted on Models Own 'Bare Beauty' and then added the finishing touches to the leopard print. I topped everything with 'Good To Go', but then decided to mattify my leopard print nails with 'Matte About You'. I really love a good old limited palette, so the combination of black, browns and gold really appeals to me. What's more, they perfectly match my bag...
What do you think? Wish me luck for tonight - it's Little Tip Off's first ever launch party! I'll keep my Twitter updated throughout in case anyone is interested. And please let me know if you happen to be going along too, I would love to meet you!