December Favorites 2013

It's time to list my favorite things I bought, received, or started using in December 2013!
I'm very proud of myself that I actually remembered to do this post, and didn't have to group two months together trying to play catch up. Good Blogger!

Zoya Tanzy & Zoya Bevin
My first favorites for December are, of course, nail polishes. I picked these beauties up during my Pier One & Ulta Haul, and I couldn't be more obsessed with them. I am a total Zoya convert, the second I finally bought one of their polishes I was hooked. They have the most amazing range of shades and finishes, and their formulas never disappoint.
OK, I'm done gushing.... I haven't had the time to fully swatch these, but look out for my Swatch & Review soon!

Revlon by Marchesa Nail Appliques in 24K Brocade
This set of appliques was also a purchase from my Ulta shopping trip, and I was beyond thrilled when I found it! I would have walked out with every single pattern in the collection, but I need to, you know, live, and eat, and stuff, so I had to pick only one! -The horror!- So I picked 24k Brocade. A beautiful teal with gold damask detailing. Again, keep an eye out for a review of it soon!

Ulta brand makeup brush set.
Another favorite, and another purchase from Ulta, is this pretty set of makeup brushes. I needed to buy some big girl brushes, and stop using the poor quality ones I usually buy at my local drugstore, so I bought this set during Ulta's after Christmas markdowns. They work really well, and best of all, they don't shed! My old brushes shed more than my cats! They also hold product really well, and the eyeshadow brushes blend color beautifully.

Dot's Scarf.

My fashion favorite for December would have to be this gorgeous scarf I picked up at work for $7! I love anything with damask printing on it, and who could pass up this much sparkle! The mix of grey tones also makes it very versatile. And it's huge! So I can tie it in many different ways. Which makes it less weird when I wear it daily...
Even my mother loved it so much that she bought one too.

Owl travel mug.
I'm not one for showing Christmas gifts, - I explain why here.- but this one is an absolute favorite so I had to share it. My coworkers bought me this cute travel mug for Christmas/my birthday, knowing my complete obsession with owls. They know me so well! I love it, and it's just so adorable.

Downton Abbey box set, Tomb Raider, & Alice: The Madness Returns.
I also received these for Christmas/my birthday, but, again, they were total December favorites.
I never saw Downton Abbey before, but as a Jane Austen fan, it had a similar tone to it, so I really wanted to watch the series. Sadly though, it was already in its fourth season, so I was utterly lost. Luckily my mother bought me this box set! I had the flu when I got it, so I spent my days resting and watching this whole box, and I can happily say that I am now a huge Downton Abbey fan, and can't wait to buy the next season!

One fact about me that I never really touch on in this blog is my love for video games. I am a gamer when I have the time, so I was thrilled to get my hands on Tomb Raider and Alice. I haven't got to play Alice yet, but Tomb Raider is a great game. There are some faults, like with any game, but it is very good, and the graphics are beautiful.

Thanks for reading! To check out my favorite things for the month of November click here.
-xo Brittany

What were some of your favorite things that you bought in December? Let me know in the comments!

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