Happy Saturday everyone! 
This is the first time in a while that I've had time to write up an actual blog post. 

If you aren't a fan of Lady Gaga, I apologize because I'm a huge fan and this nail art is all Gaga.

That said, if you are a fan, I hope you like this design!

This design was 100% inspired by the ARTPOP album cover, seen below.

These nails were really a process. I did a base of white nail polish but pretty much everything you see is acrylic paint. Topped with my ever so trusty matte top coat!

Here are my nails with Lady Gaga's perfume FAME (which smells amazing btw!)

Oh and the real reason why I painted these nails is because I am seeing her in June! I am beyond excited and so grateful I have a job to be able to buy tickets.

Yes, June 2nd can't come soon enough! 

Last photo I promise. Although I wish the face would have turned out a bit better, I'm really proud of these nails. Especially my thumb. 

Let me know what you think. I love to hear your opinions!

Until next time, 