Seven Deadly Sins Challenge, Week 1: Lust

Hey everyone! I have a wonderful new challenge for you today, I intended to post this on wednesday but obviously I couldn't because of my stupid broken laptop, so I shall post it on the last day of the week instead. The general idea for this challenge is that we either post once or twice a week, and each week has a different 'sin', this week is Lust. Because of exams I will only be posting once a week but there are plenty of bloggers who are posting more, check out the inlinks below. 

The idea for this week was to do something you'd wanted to do really badly, and I've done most of the things I've wanted to do badly for a while, so I chose to copy a design I saw a few weeks ago and couldn't get out of my head instead, turtles! Unfortunately I cannot for the life of me find the original artist for these nails, I found an image on instagram with no credit given and no watermark, and uploading to google images didn't turn up anything unfortunately, so if you know who did these first please let me know so I can credit properly! 

Here's the poster for the challenge, I'll probably alternate which day from each week I decide to do because there are a few that stand out to me.

Next week is Gluttony, and I cant wait to show you what I came up with!
What do you think? Let me know in the comments!