Just a little something...

Little Tip Off has had a rejig, and I think this layout is a bit more me! I wanted to keep it nice and simple, but of course I couldn't resist a lovely pinky-purple colour scheme. I also managed to include some cute social media icons, so you can now be directly linked to my Webstagram, Twitter and Tumblr via the pretty pictures on the right :) There's also a direct link to my Bloglovin' profile, so if you're also a member, go go go! If you don't already use Bloglovin', then I highly recommend it.

Anyway, since I have vowed to keep my Chinese porcelain/paisley nails (see below) for AT LEAST 48 hours, this post will not involve any new designs. I also managed to miss yet another delivery yesterday, so I can't even review my new treats from Direct Cosmetics :( I have to wait until Tuesday now, which is rubbish, but at least it'll brighten up my day (the coming week is dedicated to all the uni work that I've been putting off over Easter). However, I thought I'd show you a special little screenshot from my Tumblr account. Ok, ok, I know that some people get thousands and thousands of notes on their posts, and the most popular users think nothing of gaining a hundred or so reblogs in a matter of hours. But I've never managed to surpass the 60/70 mark, and so waking up this morning to 350+ notes and 55 more followers was a wonderful surprise!