Feather Tutorial

So after I posted these feather nails the other day I had loads of requests to do a tutorial for them. I'm really happy that you guys are asking me for tutorials because a) I like doing them and b) it means I must be doing something right. So I hope you like this one! More after the jump

Step 1: Apply your base colour, I'm using 'Slate Grey' by Models Own

Step 2: Using a small thin brush (like the one pictured above) and white acrylic paint, draw lines for the centre of your feathers

Step 3: Using the same brush and acrylic paint, put a small amount of acrylic paint on your brush, using a light flicking motion work your way out from the centre of the feather, this will also allow any excess paint to blend into the 'stem' of the feather rather than clogging up the design. Be gentle and repeat this for all of your lines. 

Step 4: Clean up using an old paintbrush and acetone and then apply your topcoat, I used Seche Vite.

I hope you enjoyed this, let me know if you try it out (if you're on Tumblr I track the tag 'onenailtorulethemall') and let me know if you want to see any other tutorials :)
