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Different but the same
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- Maple Syrup from the Daily Lacquer
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- Nail Art "Floral Charm"
- Nail Whitening Tutorial
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- Tarjouksia - Deborah Lippmann ja Viva La Nails
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- Heels of Dazzle
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- Portachiavi "One Cent"
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- Ice Nails "passion metallic"
- Ice Nails "Violet metal"
- Ice Nails "Admiral blue"
- Ice Nails " Tiffany"
- Ice Nails "Brigitte red metal"
- Ice Nails "Natural pinky"
- Ice Nails "Avatar"
- Ice Nails "Shanghai"
- Ice Nails "green apple metal"
- Ice Nails "d'amour"
- Ice Nails "Anthra"
- Ice Nails "Tea Rose"
- Ice Nails "Puchet"
- Ice Nails "Purple night"
- Essence "go bold!" n°140
- Then and Now: Week 2
- Star Spangled vs Runway Sparkle
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- I Wanna Be A Mermaid
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- Saran Wrap + One Stroke
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- Review: Born Pretty Store glow in the dark polish