6 Month Celebration: Rainbow Birdies

Hi everyone! I can't quite believe that today marks Little Tip Off's six month anniversary. In some ways I feel like I've been painting my nails and blogging about it FOREVER, but at the same time it has totally whizzed past! I just want to say a massive thank you to all of my followers on all of the platforms I use - it really does brighten up my day every time I get a notification that someone has commented on a post, retweeted a picture or 'liked' a design on Instagram. I honestly don't think I'd still be blogging if I hadn't received such a positive response :) The nail art community really is full of the best girls (and boys!) out there, and everyone is so friendly and encouraging. If you're still contemplating starting up a nail art blog, I have one piece of advice... DO IT!!!

Anyway, less of my jibber-jabber. Today I've decided to recreate one of my old designs, partly because it's so cute and colourful, but also because I want to be able to track my progress over the past six months. I honestly can't get over how much I've improved!
So this is the old design. When I first did it I was so proud of myself, and I couldn't stop talking about it and showing everyone. Now, when I look it at, I have to try my best not to cringe... Look at the state of those nails! The photography is also terrible. And the lighting. But I must admit, I really liked the concept, and the mixture of colours. Since then, my collection has increased and my hand has grown steadier, so hopefully you'll agree that I've made big steps in terms of nail art.

The equipment:

Models Own 'Blueberry Muffin'
Models Own 'Apple Pie'
Models Own 'Grape Juice'
Models Own white nail art pen
W7 'Purple'
No. 7 'Totally Teal'
Sinful Colors 'Black on Black'
Sinful Colors 'Unicorn'
Barry M 'Shocking Pink'
Barry M 'Bright Yellow'
Barry M 'Papaya'
Fearne 'Burnt Out'
Fine nail art paint brush
Fine striping brush
Small dotting tool
I started out with a base of 'Blueberry Muffin', which is beautiful pale blue that smells just like its namesake. I applied 3 coats for opacity, and once dry, I used Sinful Colors 'Black on Black' with a fine striping brush to apply the branches. I made sure each varies in width and size, as I didn't want the design to be too structured.
To create the birds I used a fine nail art brush to apply the base coats of the bodies. One of the colours I used is this one, Models Own 'Grape Juice', which also has a lovely scent. I used this colour for the tiny bird on my little finger, and then used other shades (including Sinful Colors 'Unicorn', Barry M 'Papaya' and Models Own 'Apple Pie') for the other birds. Once dry, I used darker shades of the respective colour to add wings and feather details.
Each bird is slightly different. The details are lost a bit on the yellow bird, as the two shades are too similar to photograph well. I really love the little green bird - I decided that I didn't want them all sideways facing, so adding a cheeky front-on one that's flapping his wings. I also gave him spiky hair instead of an elegant twist... I guess he can be the little boy bird?
Obviously my thumb nail allows for a larger canvas, so the pink bird is probably the best of the bunch. I used Models Own 'Soda Pop Pink' for the body, and added details using Barry M 'Shocking Pink'. When I was happy with all of my birds' bodies, I added tiny black black legs and a beak, then dabbed on eyes using my Models Own white nail art pen and a tiny dot of black. The whole manicure seemed a little bit bare so I added leaves and flowers around the edges (using 'Grape Juice', 'Totally Teal', 'Bright Yellow' and 'Shocking Pink')
After I'd started photographing I realised a matte top coat was just what this manicure needed. I used Essie 'Matte About You', and it really makes a difference. What do you think? Have you ever created a bird-inspired manicure?