Follow I Heart Nail Art on Bloglovin!

Hello again! As a relatively new blogger, I am still learning about the blogging community, as well as the services available to follow my favorite blogs.
When I first started my blog in mid-July, I had no clue how to follow blogs, - or how to let people follow mine.- So a lot of time was spent pressing random buttons, and watching countless Youtube walkthroughs -I'm not that technologically savvy...-.
Since I finally -sort of- know what I'm doing, and am slowly starting to get my blog off the ground, I thought I would share ways to follow my blog, as well as other blogs you may like, but don't know how to keep track of.
So here are the best ways to keep updated on my blog:


First is the most common way of finding post updates for my blog, and most other peoples blogs, Bloglovin. It is a website that lets you create an account - whether you have a blog or not.- and create a blog roll of all your favorite blogs. Then you can use their website, or phone app, and get updates every time a blogger posts something new. It even gives you a thumbnail and small snippet of the actual post, to let you see if you would be interested in the content. You can also "like" posts, which lets the blogger know you like it, and saves it for you to read again later. you can also read entire posts through the site or app, without having to go to each individual blog. Bloglovin is also a great site for discovering new blogs you may not have found otherwise.

To follow me on Bloglovin click this button: Follow on Bloglovin

Google Friend Connect/blogger

On the right side of my blog you will see a little box with three little icons in it. Those are my GFC followers! -Yes, not many yet, but I'm still thrilled with the three I currently have!-. You can follow my blog with GFC by logging into it with your Google account, or with your Twitter or Yahoo accounts.
If your a fellow blogger on Blogger - That was dorky...- New posts will appear in your Blogger dashboard, with a snippet of the post and a thumbnail image.

If you would like to follow my blog with Google Friend Connect just click "Join This Site" on the right side of my blog page. Or, if you have a blog, go to your Blogger dashboard and click "Add Blog" and paste in my blogs URL. If you follow publicly, your icon will appear in my GFC box, and other followers can click on it and get a link to your blog and profile.


If you would rather not have to visit any site to read my blog, or any other blog, why not follow through Email! On the bottom of my blog, and many others, is a little Follow by Email box. Doing this will have any new posts sent directly to your email, easy peasy! It will only send you an email when there are new posts, so you won't be bombarded with junk mail. Emails usually get sent the day after a new post is published.


I love Twitter! I'm on it daily, and it's a great place to get in touch with me quickly. I also, like many bloggers, use it to announce new blog posts. This is another easy way to keep track of your favorite blogs, without having to join extra sites to do so. All you have to do is follow the bloggers twitter account, and get notified of new posts right in your feed! Twitter is also great to meet other bloggers, and talk to each other. I've found quite a few amazing blogs thanks to Twitter.

If you would like to follow me on Twitter, click this button:


My instagram is a mix of personal and blog related items. - My pictures are usually makeup or cat related. Or both?...No, just kidding.- I post blog updates on my Instagram, as well as pictures from my blog posts, and pictures of items I plan on writing about. I also love to do photo challenges! I'm currently doing my very first one for the whole month of October, so most of my Instagram is dedicated to that.
I've noticed other bloggers will share their post updates on Instagram as well, so this is another easy way to stay updated.

To follow me on Instagram, click this button:


I am a Pinterest addict... I admit it. I love Pinterest, and have over 1,000 pins and growing. I usually pin nail inspirations, fashion, food I'll never get motivated enough to cook myself, and, of course, plenty of cute cat pictures. But I also use it to post blog updates as well! Like many other bloggers do. I have a board just for my post updates, that includes an image- of course.- and a direct link to the full post. If you are also a Pinterest junkie, this is a great, simple way to keep track of new posts to your favorite blogs.

To follow me on Pinterest, click this button: Pinterest

Thanks for reading! I hope this helped any new bloggers like me figure out how to follow their favorite blogs.
If you choose to follow my blog using any one of these resources, thank you so much!

P.s. Yes, I know I didn't mention Facebook. That's because I don't have one! Shocking I know. It's just not really my thing.


Follow on Bloglovin

What was the hardest thing you had to learn when you started blogging? What blog is your favorite to read right now? Let me know in the comments!