7 Deadly Sins - Sloth

Today I bring you my silliest design to date. I decided to take the sin of 'Sloth' quite literally, and ended up painting a couple of little sloths on my finger tips. They're such strange little creatures that it was really fun to design them, and although the manicure isn't 100% technically perfect (I used A LOT of artistic license), I still think it's really cute and effective!

The equipment:

Natural Collection 'White'
Seventeen 'Forever'
Models Own 'Bronze Rage'
Models Own 'Jade Stone'
Models Own 'Apple Pie'
W7 'Neon Green'
W7 'Black'
No. 7 'Totally Teal'
Barry M 'Shocking Pink'
Barry M Limited Edition 'Yellow'
Models Own black nail art pen
Fine nail art paint brush
So I started out with a white base. I knew I wanted to locate my sloths in a jungle/forest, but I also wanted them to stand out along with all the other details.
Then, using one of new purchases Models Own 'Bronze Rage', a painted tree trunks and branches. I used a fine paint brush for the narrower details.
Then, using Seventeen 'Forever', I painted the bases of my sloths. The first one hangs from a branch, while the other is presented through more a mug-shot!
One dry, I added more details. I used a mixture of green shades to create foliage, then added a few pink and yellow flowers to the trees and bushes. I also added white to the centre of the sloths' faces, and once dry, I used 'Bronze Rage' again to outline their eyes.
Finally, I added the details to the sloths' faces. The first sloth is so tiny that I just added small black dots for eyes and a nose, but with the other one I was more detailed, adding dots for eyes with white highlights, a button nose, and a small curved smile. 

As always, I wrote 'Sloth' across my thumb nail. This design is so crazy but it was really fun to do, and I know a few of my friends will be really pleased that I've finally gotten around to putting sloths on my fingers! What do you think? Has anyone else ever attempted sloths, or other strange creatures?