7 Deadly Sins - Pride

Happy Sunday! (And Father's Day, if I happen to have any readers who are daddies...) Today I'm presenting you with a tutorial for my next Seven Deadly Sins manicure, 'Pride', and I've worked with the concept of peacock feathers ('Proud as a Peacock', I think the saying goes). I've seen lots of a peacock inspired nail art, and I love the combination of colours and the simplicity of the design.

The equipment:

Rimmel 'Azure'
W7 'Neon Green'
Missguided 'Misslead'
No. 7 'Hot to Trot'
No. 7 'Totally Teal'
Models Own ' Gold Finger'
Rio black nail art pen
A fine nail art paint brush
I started out with a lime green base, using two coats of W7 'Neon Green'. I initially painted my thumb nail the same as the others, but I soon decided that this would alter at the end of the manicure!
Next, using No. 7 'Hot to Trot', I added ovals of gold in the centre of my nails. I used a fine paint brush to neaten up the edges.
Once dry, I used the gorgeous Rimmel 'Azure' to add tear drop shapes inside the gold ovals. I absolutely adore this colour, and it's absolutely perfect for a peacock design. I also topped the lime green sections with Missguided 'Misslead', which is a subtle shimmery polish in yellow.
Then I added small black circles to the bottom of the azure tear drops, and using the striping brush end of my nail art pen, I painted a line up to the base of my nails.
Next, using No. 7 'Totally Teal' and the paint brush, I added darker green details to the feathers. I also added sparkles to the gold section of the feather, using Models Own 'Gold Finger'. It's a very subtle effect, but it makes the feathers sparkle when they catch the light!

Finally, as can be seen in the first image, I painted my thumb nail with Rimmel 'Azure' and then wrote 'Pride' using the black nail art pen. I also added a few more sparkles using 'Gold Finger', which ties the whole manicure together.

These are the first photos I've taking using my DIY light box (courtesy of my lovely boyfriend). I think I may post a tutorial of the whole process, because it was so simple and yet it works a treat! There are lots of DIY light box tutorials out there, but mine is slightly different, and I think it was actually much easier. Watch this space...