Stormy Starry Sky Nails

Firstly, I cannot WAIT until my Essie 'Matte About You' arrives, because these nails would look soooo much better with a matte top coat. I'm going to try and save them for the next couple of days, so hopefully I'll be able to upload another photo with them 'mattified'. Secondly, I apologise for the subsequent confusing tutorial. I'm normally really organised with my stages and take lots of photos to make for a detailed description, but I wasn't entirely sure of the direction I was heading in until I'd actually finished the manicure! Hopefully it's helpful though... Anyway, I was planning on doing galaxy nails again, but so many people have being doing it recently that I thought I'd be a bit different. I decided to combine a starry night sky with a storm, and I love the final effect! 

The equipment:

Models Own 'Blueberry Muffin'
Models Own 'In The Navy'
Rimmel 'Azure'
Rimmel 'Grey Matter'
Barry M 'Grey'
W7 'Black'
Models Own white nail art pen
Rio yellow nail art pen
Nails Inc. 'Bling It On' silver glitter
Fine gold glitter
A fine nail art brush
A kitchen sponge
I started out with 'In The Navy' on my thumb  and index finger nails, and Models Own 'Blueberry Muffin' on my ring finger. The picture shows my middle finger nail with white polish on, but disregard that! My little finger also had a 'Blueberry Muffin' base, and my middle finger was half and half. In simple terms: the starry nails have a navy base, and the stormy nails have a pale blue base (and of course the half stormy/half starry nail has a half navy/half pale blue base...

Once dry, I applied Rimmel 'Azure' to the kitchen sponge and applied it randomly. I did the same with Rimmel 'Grey Matter' to my stormy nails. Then I used a darker shade, Models Own 'Grey', to further develop the storm clouds.
Then I used my Models Own white nail art pen to add some stars. I dabbed a little bit more 'Azure' over some of the dots, just for a bit of variety! On my stormy nails, I dabbed on some black nail polish, and once dry I used my white nail art pen again to create lightning. Then with my yellow Rio nail art pen I went over the top sections of the bolts.
As you can see, I added a moon to my index finger nail. The half-and-half effect can be seen on my middle finger, and I made sure that it blended nicely by sponging grey across to the starry half, and 'Azure' across to the stormy half.
You can't really see it on this picture, but I added some sparkles! I used silver glitter on the starry sky nails, and fine gold glitter on the lightning bolts. The lightning bolts are probably my favourite part of this manicure, so I reckon I might just do a full stormy mani in the future! As I said before, if my matte top coat arrives before these nails chip (or before I get bored...) I will take another photo :) I'm certain they'll look better matte, however I've heard that matte top coats are extremely unforgiving and often highlight any mistakes!

What do you think of my Stormy Starry Sky Nails?