The 1st Tip

I am a disciple of the Nail Art Movement. The perfect amalgamation of fashion, beauty and painting, nail art has fast become a worldwide phenomenon, and is finally receiving the attention it deserves. I spend many a happy hour trawling beauty blogs and social media sites for design ideas, or simply to marvel at the talent and imagination of nail artists - so here's my contribution, 'Little Tip Off', where I will show my latest nail art endeavours, share a few handy hints and tips, and hopefully inspire others to get nail arting!

I am by no means a professional nail technician, and am pretty hopeless when it comes to talk of nail care or falsies. But I love nothing more than sitting on the sofa with my nail box out in front of me (and sometimes a glass of wine, although results can vary when nail art is subject to alcohol!), trying out new ideas and techniques.

One of the best things about nail art is that it doesn't have to break the bank; you don't have to invest in any pro equipment - cotton buds, kitchen sponges and various other household items can be just as effective as professional nail art tools. You don't have to rely on expensive products either, and can pick up nail varnishes for a couple of pounds in most shops; as long as you invest in a decent topcoat, you don't have to worry about the chipping or peeling of cheap polish!

So here it is, the first of many 'Little Tip Off' posts. And I know that this will run the risk of sounding super corny, but remember, all you need is a few bottles of nail varnish, a little bit of patience, and lots of imagination!