Glitter stars and Beauty Narcotix spray review

Hey everyone! Today I have a simple glitter design to show you, along with a review of a new quick dry spray. First off I'll tell you about the nails and then I'll tell you more about the spray. 

I didn't really have any inspiration for these nails, I just bought Barry M - Rose Quartz and I really want to use it, so I thought I'd test it out in two different ways, and then I had the idea to put white acrylic paint stars over the top, which I actually really like the look of. The base for this is China Glaze - Liquid Leather and Models Own - Utopia, topped off with 2 coats of Seche Vite. 

Next, I'd like to review this spray sent to me by the lovely Angela at Beauty Narcotix

As you can possibly see from the photo below, it's a very large bottle, I'd say around the size of a big hair spray bottle, and it is actually very similar to hair spray in application. To use the spray you apply it to each coat, which I thought would be a bit of a nuisance but it's quick and really helpful for slow-drying polishes in between coats (and I chose two very slow drying colours for this). 

It definitely works, but the best part for me is the smell, I wouldn't even care if it didn't work because it smells so damn good! Even my mum, renown for hating the smell of everything 'unnatural', said it smelt nice. I've used a few quick dry sprays before and they all smelt like hair spray too, but this is quite a fruity/flowery smell, it's hard to describe. 
Nevertheless, is does work, and it smells nice, so I got two bonuses in one bottle. It also leaves your nails really shiny, and if you're brave enough you could probably go without top coat.

The one negative I would say about this product is the price, at £17 a bottle it's definitely not available for repurchase on my student budget, but if you dont use much each time and so I'm sure I'm definitely going to get some use out of it, and in that sense it is indeed worth the money. You can purchase it here

What do you think? Both of the nails and of quick-dry spray as a concept? Let me know in the comments
